Take charge of your fertility journey today!
When you are searching the web, read books or articles, you probably bump into acronyms, which do not make sense at first or you forgot about them. To help you with fertility lingo, here is a list I collected over the years to guide you in all your fertility research.
2WW > Two-week wait (the time between ovulation and either a period or a positive pregnancy test)
AF > Aunt Flo (your period)
AI > Artificial Insemination (also known as intrauterine insemination)
Baby dust > Like "fairy dust"… a way to wish someone good luck in getting pregnant
BBT > Basal Body Temperature
BCP > Birth Control Pill
BD > Baby dance (sex/intercourse)
BF > Breastfeed or boyfriend
BFN > Big Fat Negative (negative result on a pregnancy test)
BFP > Big Fat Positive (positive result on a pregnancy test)
BP > Blood Pressure
CB or CBD > Clearblue or Clearblue digital
CBFM > Clearblue fertility monitor
CD > Cycle Day (where the first day of your menstrual cycle is the first day of your period)
CM > Cervical Mucus
CP > Chemical Pregnancy
#DP#DT > #Days Past #Day Transfer
DPO > Days Past Ovulation
DTD > Do the deed (have sex)
EDD > Estimated Due Date
EPO > Evening Primrose Oil
ER > Egg Retrieval
EWCM > Egg White Cervical Mucus
FET > Frozen Embryo Transfer
FFI > Female Infertility Factor
FMU > First Morning Urine
FRER > First Response Early Result (a specific brand of pregnancy test)
hCG > Human Chorionic Gonadotrophin (the hormone that pregnancy tests measure)
HPT > Home Pregnancy Test
HSG > Hysterosalpingogram (an X-ray of the womb and fallopian tubes)
IB > Implantation Bleeding (slight bleeding or spotting that may happen around the time an embryo implants in your womb)
ICSI > Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection
IUI > Intrauterine Insemination
IVF > In Vitro Fertilisation
LH > Luteinising Hormone (the hormone that triggers ovulation; an LH surge is an increase in LH just before ovulation)
LMP > Last Menstrual Period (the first day of your last period)
LO > Little One
LP > Luteal Phase (the phase of your cycle between ovulation and getting your period)
MC > Miscarriage
MFI > Male Infertility Factor
MW > Midwife
OCP > Oral Contraceptive Pill
OHSS > Ovarian Hyperstimulation Syndrome
OPK > Ovulation Prediction Kit
OV > Ovulation
PASP > Pregnant And Staying Pregnant
PCOS > Polycystic ovary syndrome
PG > Pregnant
PGD > Pre-implantation Genetic Diagnosis (where IVF embryos are tested for genetic conditions before implantation)
PGS > Pre-implantation genetic screening (where IVF embryos are tested to make sure they have a healthy number of chromosomes before implantation)
PP > Postpartum
PID > Pelvic Inflammatory Disease
PMA > Positive Mental Attitude
POAS > Pee On A Stick (take a pregnancy test)
PUPO > Pregnant Until Proven Otherwise
RE > Reproductive Endocronologist
RLT > Raspberry Leaf Tea
Rainbow baby > A baby born after losing a pregnancy or a child
SA > Semen Analysis (an assessment of sperm quantity, quality and motility)
SHG > Sonohysterogram (ultrasound showing structures and shapes of the uterus filled with saline to examine uterus and uterus lining)
SIS > Saline Infusion Sonogram (same as SHG)
SMEP > Sperm Meets Egg Plan (a specific method for trying to conceive)
SO > Super Ovulation
SS > Symptom Spotting (looking for the early signs of pregnancy)
TTC > Trying To Conceive
TWW > Two-Week Wait (the time between ovulation and either a period or a positive pregnancy test)
Personalized Nutrition and Lifestyle Therapy: Your Path to Overcoming Your Fertility Struggles
Find communities, forums and friends you can trust to talk about your feelings and experiences to not to feel so lonely. As many times, it does feel tiring, heartbreaking and you might feel defeated and want to give up. I encourage you not to! FIND ANSWERS to your WHYs! Find out the root-causes of your infertility. In the majority of cases there are! I support my clients through their struggles and help them find their WHYs, so we can start optimising their health and with that, their egg and sperm health.
At Generation Superhealth Clinic, I understand that you are unique, with a distinct biology, genetic heredity, diet, and lifestyle. It's time to move away from minimal and general laboratory testings, as well as commercial supplements that offer no personalised guidance. Embracing a one-size-fits-all approach might not necessarily help you get pregnant and carry your baby to full term. Instead, I encourage you to take a proactive step towards achieving your dreams with personalized nutrition and lifestyle therapy that supports and provides guidance specifically to your individual needs you and your partner deserve.
Don’t accept the dismissive, well-known phrases like "Your results are fine, you are fine" or "you have unexplained infertility" as a diagnosis. It's time to fight for your well-being and reclaim control over your fertility journey.
Book your complimentary discovery call with me today. During this call, we can explore how nutritional therapy may be able to support you through your fertility journey. Let me help you uncover the underlying factors contributing to your fertility struggles and develop a personalized plan tailored to your unique biological makeup, diet, and lifestyle. Take charge of your fertility journey today.